Students Join the Summer Workforce

Students Join the Summer Workforce

Allisyn Crabtree



The average price of gas in Arizona is $4.69 a gallon which means that you can buy two and a half gallons of gas within an hour with the minimum wage of work at your summer job. 

With the price of gas not likely to go down, highschool students look forward to getting summer jobs. 

Sunnyslope students are starting to search for summer jobs as the end of the school year comes to an end. 

College and Career Advisor Deirdre Eagar said, “The best way to get a summer job is through someone you know.”

Going to someone you know can make getting a summer job easier because it gives you better connections. 

These students often find themselves wanting to earn some extra cash to spend not only in the summer but to also save up to have money throughout the next school year. 

Senior Cassandra Loya said, “I want a summer job because that is when I am most available to get more hours in.”

This proves that during the school year it is difficult for students to find time aside to have a job that will work with their obtainable hours. 

“Make sure you have your resume up to date and don’t wait till school is out to start looking. Most jobs require training, background checks or food handlers licenses, these things could take a couple weeks” Eager said 

Some students take the word “summer job” too seriously and will wait until school is out but this only gives them a less chance of acquiring a summer job because not many jobs available for teens don’t require intern training. 

Along with summer jobs, comes a lot of benefits especially for young teens. 

Loya said, “I’m looking forward to saving up for extra expenses like going out and starting a savings account.”

As a teen, going out with friends it is nearly impossible to not spend any money. 

Whether it is on foods, clothing, theme parks, the movies, or even gas money. 

During the summer having extra money to spend on things like this makes it a lot easier to enjoy yourself and have a fun summer doing the things you want. 

Loya said, “I also want to be less dependent on my parents.”

As summer time rolls around parents dread the expenses their children request. 

Having a summer job helps out a lot of parents save money on extra expenses and allows them to save that money for more important things. 

Loya adds, “I think it is important for all students to experience a summer job at some point so they can get an idea of what working will be like in the future and experience communication amongst employees and bosses.”

This is also an important point when it comes to the topic of teens working because it can prepare them for the hard work they will have in years to come. 

 Eager said students should “know and have the qualifications needed for the job. Be prepared to tell about yourself, your good qualities and what you could bring to the employer.”

Going into an interview, being prepared and having beforehand knowledge of the job is vital. 

Ultimately, having a summer job as a teen has many benefits and it is something that a lot of students look into for their own advantage.


(Reach out to Ms. Eagar in the Career Center for resources on summer jobs)