
Hottest Music In The Hottest City

Liliana DiGiacomo

The sound of fans cheering can be heard outside of the stadium.
The fresh breeze of air conditioning hits your face as you find your way to your seat, smelling all the delicious foods that people are getting.
As you finally find your seat, you are able to feel every note and lyric of your favorite songs pass through your body.
This is what an average fan feels when seeing their favorite artist perform live in concert.
Many students from Sunnyslope High School love going to concerts whenever they can.
Concerts can land on the weekends or even on weekdays but that doesn’t stop them from going to see an artist they know and love.
There, they are able to take a break from life and enjoy a wonderful performance with amazing music.
“Going to concerts [is] always worth it because I get a day to go out and enjoy listening to music I love and experiencing it on a different level, honestly it’s a good way to destress,” said Junior Nate Brown.
There are many other students who would agree with Brown.
Junior Betzy Oliveros said “concerts by themselves are amazing but when I go with a couple of friends then it just makes the whole experience ten times better.
Like I had so much fun when I went to the Doja Cat concert with my friends.”
Students at Sunnyslope enjoy the way concerts make them feel before, during, and even after the performance.
There are different experiences that people go through, none of them being exactly the same.
Junior Suzette Aldana said how her favorite part of going to concerts is the getting ready process before the show and “being able to plan an outfit, hype myself up, and prepare for the performance. I especially loved [the] outfit I wore to the Bad Bunny concert.”
Although listening to loud music can be a joyful experience, it’s best to come prepared in case anything goes wrong.
“Going to concerts I always make sure to bring some earplugs since I don’t plan on going deaf anytime soon. Oh and enough cash on me for food and drinks of course,” said Junior Anna Duong.
With concerts being so popular and mainstreamed with many advertisements, it’s hard for students to always attend when their favorite artist performs here in Arizona.
“I’m always notified whenever there is an update just in case an artist or band I know is having a show here,” said Oliveros.
Many students can agree that concerts are always a fun event to experience. Especially when you can share the experiences with friends or family, creating new fun memories.
“Any concert I go to with friends is always one that is unforgettable,” said Brown.
With there always being new concerts happening almost everyday, students can often cherish the moments spent together and bond over shared memories of past performances .
There are still more memories to be made at future concerts between the students who share a love for good music.

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