Schools in the U.S. should have Home Economics as a class to take because so many students will not be provided with the basic knowledge of how to survive otherwise.
Many Schools in modern times do not have a class you can take that teaches the basic home needs.
Things like cooking, cleaning, and sewing are foreign terms to most teenagers, but could be learnt in a Home economics class..
In a world where many parents may not be able to teach their children these necessities, there should be a class that a student can take to learn.
When young adults go out into the world they may be lost in how to ‘survive’ because they weren’t taught how to do the real world tasks that they must do now.
A home economics class could positively affect students as a whole because it would teach them how to do the things that most kids nowadays don’t know how to do.
In previous decades, home economics was a class that students could choose and learn to prepare for living alone and how to take care of themselves.
Nowadays, schools are so hyper focused on preparing students for college, that the idea of real-world learning is often brushed to the side.
Many home skills are not taught in schools leaving kids unprepared for life as an adult.
Home economics provides a credible and structured way for kids to learn about household management and life skills instead of them having to rely on the internet to help.
A class that focuses on health, food, budgeting, and so much more would leave kids prepared for all aspects of life.
Nutrition is also taught in these classes; this is a good skill because many young adults rely on fast food as an ‘easy’ meal.
Through the years Home Ec has lost its popularity for many reasons.
The main reasons are that the class may be seen as a gender stereotype and is girl dominated and in this day and age it doesn’t fit hugely into the context of today’s society, according to
Budget cuts also caused the removal of Home Ec in many schools according to
We must recognize that younger generations need to learn home management because it helps empower and prepare them for success later in life.
Home economics could replace some overlapping classes such as art and 3-D art.