GSA Improves Campus Culture
March 2022: A group of Sunnyslope students that are on a mission to change the future, lobby against anti-trans legislation at the Arizona Capitol.
They are dedicated to making the campus a safe space and activising towards a truly better future for our LGBTQ+ students here at Sunnyslope.
Sunnyslope’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is truly a safe space for fellow LGBTQ+ students and allies here at SHS.
The club acts to take part in activism, education, and creating a secure environment for students of all backgrounds.
President Jonah Manthey said that the club’s purpose is to “provide support to our LGBT students and make things generally better for them on campus.”
Throughout the years, GSA has found itself attracting a bigger presence on campus; however, last year was one of the biggest year’s for the club.
Manthey said one of his favorite events last year was the homecoming parade, and that it “helped grow a presence on campus,” which is one of the club’s biggest goals this year.
Many members of GSA seemed to enjoy the homecoming parade last year, such as Club Sponsor Patricia Jimenez.
Jimenez said “we had awesome music and a big rainbow poster, and it was just like a celebration, like our own mini pride parade.”
In fact, Jimenez originally founded the club many years ago because she believed that the campus needed a sanctuary for LGBTQ+ youth.
Jimenez said “I really loved how students would come in and there was an immediate connection, that sort of ‘were going to take you under our wing’ manner, you’re welcome here and that’s how many friendships formed.”
GSA also focuses on forming community change through activism.
Manthey said one of his favorite things GSA is speaking against anti-LGBT legislation, and that some meetings are used to “educate members on niche LGBT issues” in order to keep members aware of matters in the community.
Either way, it seems as though GSA has big plans for this year, and is looking forward to being a more active club on campus.
Manthey said that “I’m planning on doing a lot more with the club this year, hosting events around campus and expanding our presence, just getting more people to notice who we are and getting involved.”
It seems as though Sunnyslope GSA has an amazing outlook for this school year and Sunnyslope will most definitely be seeing them more around campus.