Girl Up Empowers Club Rush


Susan B. Anthony once said, “The young blood, fresh with enthusiasm and with all the enlightenment of the twentieth century, must carry on the work.”

Girl Up Club is all about empowerment and including girls at Sunnyslope. 

Learning new leadership skills, becoming a better friend, and having the opportunity to teach other girls how to become more independent are all things that the Girl Up Club at SHS offer.

The Girl Up Club is against exclusivity, so people of any gender can join. 

The club is opposed to putting down other girls; they influence girls to be themselves and form their own opinions. 

Setting an example of being independent and self empowering women is what the Girl Up Club’s main goal is. 

Advisor Kerith Mickelson describes that the girls in the club “strive to create educational opportunities for girls worldwide.”

Because education is such an important step in many women’s lives, it should be a place where they can feel safe and loved as well as an environment where they can better themselves. 

Mickelson explained that even though the club doesn’t go on group trips, “there are groups in Girl Up who go to Washington D.C. for girls who have that in their vision.”

A majority of the girls in the club hope for more equal workplaces, and want to see women receive access to the same opportunities that are given to men. 

Mickelson shared that Girl Up is full of intentional students who want to make a difference in the world. 

This club is seen by many as an amazing opportunity for girls who want to learn more about how to be leaders, and want to help open doors to minority females. 

Mickelson expressed that “the girls who step into the leadership position in the club are creative and want to create a safe place for other girls.”

To create a safe place for girls to go to make new friends and develop a voice of their own is a major desire that the Girl Up Club has.

Though most girls who join the club are just looking for a place to make new friends and have fun, Mickelson said, “they end up being empowered and informed about different opportunities.”

One of the most important parts of this club is their willingness to include anyone who wants to be a part of the group.

Girl Up teaches students at Sunnyslope that it is okay to be bold to make necessary changes.