The Faces Behind The Green Curtain


“Having an arena full of fans for sporting events is crucial to the game,” said Aika Orshybek, freshman at State High, in the article How Important Are Fans To the Game?

The Green Team at SHS is a group of supportive students who attend all games wearing school colors to cheer and provide a great environment for school spirit.

One thing SHS is always on top of is having a good student section, any game you attend the stands are filled. 

Senior Bella Razinn is one of the green team group leaders and organization and planning may have gone unnoticed.

Razinn said, “The Green Team makes the themes and chants.”  

Once the Green Team leaders created a theme for a game, they posted it to the Green Team Instagram account: @slopegreenteam. 

This is how students find out how to dress for the games.

They also “let “people know what games” are coming up. 

The Green Team is responsible for influencing others to attend the games.

“It is important for the Green Team to show up to games so we can help people get loud and cheer on the people playing the games and keep their spirits up,”said Razinn. 

As leaders, the Green Team members can help the audience get ‘hype’ because a lot of people are often nervous to cheer without someone leading them. 

Players can also get down when losing the game, so having that extra support even when they aren’t winning is super important, said Razinn.

Razinn not only has this year on her mind, but also she keeps future traditions in mind. 

Razinn is mindful that next year someone will need to replace her.

The Green Team members frequently have similar personality traits: outgoing, extroverted, social, and friendly. 

Razinn said, “For next year’s Green Team leaders, we would look for someone who knows about sports and would enjoy going to all the games and being able to keep up with posting on the green team Instagram and being high spirited.”

As leaders of the green team it takes a lot of time and dedication, other members of the team decide when to show up but leaders are the ones who almost always have to attend.

There are two other leaders, Seniors Isak Hozdic and Savannah Heath. 

Razinn said “We all kind of have the same job, but me and Savannah are more in control of Instagram and coming up with themes. Isak is more of the chant leader,” said Razinn.

Each of them serve their own roles in the group and it has proven to pay off in games. 

The Green Team has been the main source to SHS crowds at sporting events and the work of the members should be more valued.