Movie Theatres Bite the Dust

Tatum Koch, Contributing Reporter


Movie theaters hold a vivid memory in all of our minds, but what if they are gone before the next generation gets to experience them? 

With the rise of streaming services (especially after the pandemic), and the decrease of people wanting to leave their house to watch a movie, movie theaters may be something of the past, something our grandkids will never be able to experience.

 “I think streaming services definitely have… an impact because it’s easier just to watch from home,” said Freshman Samantha Hyde.

Hyde is not the only one who enjoys watching movies from their home.

“I think more people really enjoy being able to watch from the comfort of their own home,” said Sophomore Abigail Udvare

Some people disagree though, and feel that movie theaters are a core experience and valuable memory in their minds.

“I like going to movie theaters because it feels like I’m actually going to see a movie, because I’m getting out of the house,” said Udvare.

Movies are something many enjoy going to simply as an excuse to get out of their house and spend time with people.

“I like going to the movies, because I can go with my friends. And I feel like it’s a more personal experience,” said Junior Emerson Elliston.

The personal aspect of movie theaters is something that streaming services lack, many people like going to the movies as an experience rather than to just be entertained for a few hours. 

“I enjoy movie theaters because it’s just like a fun experience. You’re out of your house rather than sitting on your couch. I just think it’s like a cool experience,” said Freshman Ale Sanchez.

And still others enjoy it just because it is a unique and occasional experience.

“I would say I do like one of them because it’s a fun experience,” said Hyde, “you don’t do it all the time.”

Some students have pondered the idea that streaming services will replace movie theaters in the future.

“I think movie theaters will survive but it’ll probably be a lot less common to see,” said Sanchez.

Although many aren’t keen with the idea of movie theaters may become a thing of the past.

“I think they are going to survive because there’s certain movies you can only see in the theaters. I think eventually they will disappear,” said Udvare.

Like high quality entertainment, or the distinct smell of warm buttery popcorn, movie theaters will hold a permanent place in our mind for years to come